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Himalaya Liv.52 DS 60 tabs

Liv.52 DS is a complex of natural plant extracts to support the normalization of liver function by Himalaya. The composition of Liv.52 DS is the same as that of LIV 52, but with twice the amount of active ingredients.
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Code: 2537
Brand: Himalaya
€15,90 –37 % €9,90
Category: Antioxidants
Himalaya liv.52 DS
€15,90 –37 %
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The combination of herbs contained in the Himalaya Liv.52 DS mixture serves especially for the normal functioning of the liver, cardiovascular system, vascular system or gallbladder. The mixture also supports digestion and cleansing.
Recommended dosage
Adults take 1-2 tablets twice a day for 3-4 months. For long-term problems 6 months.
Achillea millefolium (yarrow) - powder: 16 mg, Capparis spinosa (thorn caper) - powder: 65 mg, Cassia occidentalis (cassia) - powder: 16 mg, Cichorium intybus (chicory) - powder: 65 mg, Mandur bhasma ( calcined iron oxide)-ash: 33 mg, Solanum nigrum (eggplant black) - powder: 32 mg, Tamarix gallica (French tamarisk) - powder: 16 mg, Terminalia arjuna (right top) - powder: 32 mg
Uchovávejte mimo dosah dětí. Výrobek není určen pro děti do 3 let, těhotné ženy a pro alergiky na některou z přidaných látek. Neslouží jako náhrada pestré stravy. Nepřekračujte doporučené denní dávkování.
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